Hit series created by Brendan O’Carroll and produced by BBC Studios Comedy Production in partnership with BOC-PIX and RTE set to return for fourth series.
Fasten your seatbelts and hold onto your hats!”
— Brendan O’Carroll
Beloved Irish “Mammy”, Mrs. Brown is set to return with a much-anticipated commission for a fourth mini-series of MRS. BROWN’S BOYS. The hit series, created by Brendan O’Carroll, is a BBC Studios Comedy Production in partnership with BOC-PIX and RTE for BBC One and brownsboys.com.
A regular feature of Christmas schedules for over a decade, this marks the first mini-series run since 2013 with four new episodes set to delight fans. Filming will take place this Spring with transmission slated for later this year.
Brendan O’Carroll said: “This mini-series was actually planned for 2021. Having been thwarted twice, firstly by Covid-19 and then by a post Covid shortage of studios, it’s fantastic to, at last, have the chance to make it happen. Fasten your seatbelts and hold onto your hats!”
Josh Cole, Head of Comedy, BBC Studios and Steven Canny, Executive Producer said: “There’s no one quite like Mrs. Brown. An absolute force of outrageous wit and slapstick that has audiences hooked and belly laughing. It’s great to be back.”
Jon Petrie, Director of Comedy added: “BBC Comedy are pleased to announce that after a decade since the last full series of Mrs. Brown’s Boys, millions of viewers around the UK will be thrilled to hear that Brendan is bringing Agnes and the family back together for a brand-new mini-series of his award-winning show.”
MRS. BROWN’S BOYS is created, written by and stars Brendan O'Carroll as mischievous matriarch Agnes Brown.
MRS. BROWN’S BOYS is commissioned for BBC One and brownsboys.com by Jon Petrie, Director of Comedy. The Executive Producers for BBC Studios Comedy are Steven Canny and Josh Cole, Brendan O’Carroll and Fiona Gibney for BOC-PIX and Justin Healy for RTE. Written by Brendan O’Carroll. The Commissioning Editor for the BBC is Ben Caudell.
All 43 previous episodes of MRS. BROWN’S BOYS are available to enjoy on brownsboys.com whilst viewers await the new mini-series.