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You are invited to come and watch Agnes and her gang rehearsing for their live show and get a sneak peak of the action ahead of Friday night. The rehearsals will help us with the timing for the live episode. Trying to tell Agnes to keep to 30 minutes will be a big task, so you will help us with this!
Tickets will be distributed by random draw.
You can register at any time until 10pm on Tuesday 5 October.
You can apply for a maximum of two tickets. You can apply for tickets for both the rehearsals and the live show, but if you are successful in the random draw you will only receive tickets for either the live show or a rehearsal, and these tickets will be non-transferable.
Good luck!
All guests (aged 18 and above) will need to provide one of the following as a condition of entry:
A negative COVID-19 LFT result (taken in the 48 hours prior to attending the Event) from a UK Government-approved test provider (either via a home kit or via a test centre), with certification shown via email or text; OR
A double COVID-19 vaccination received at least 2 weeks prior to attending the Event, which guests shall be required to show evidence of via: (a) the NHS App for Ticket Holders in England or (b) via the approved certification routes for Ticket Holders from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; OR
Proof of natural immunity based upon a positive PCR test taken within 180 days of the show / event
Attendees under the age of 18 will be asked for verbal confirmation (by them or by a parent or guardian on their behalf) that they have not received a positive test for COVID-19 in the last 10 days and are not displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
Failure to comply will result in the relevant guest being denied entry.
Face coverings must be worn at all times when on site and throughout the recording.
In the lead up to the production, to help minimise the spread of coronavirus, we ask that you do not attend the show, if you begin to develop any of the symptoms of coronavirus or if you have come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus.. If you have registered for tickets on behalf of your friends and family, we ask that you also let them know to stay at home if they need to.
Click Here to Apply