Copyright BBC
There’s spooky goings on in the Brown household where anything can, and probably will happen. Agnes and the gang return for a Live Halloween Special of the multi-award-winning phenomenon Mrs Brown's Boys. Who knows what the loud mouthed matriarch and her family will get up to on live television!
Ahead of the live show, tickets are also available to join Agnes and her gang rehearsing for their live show and get a sneak peak of the action ahead of Friday night. The rehearsals will help us with the timing for the live episode. Trying to tell Agnes to keep to 30 minutes will be a big task, so you will help us with this!
Tickets will be distributed by random draw.
You can apply for a maximum of two tickets per recording. You can apply for tickets for both the rehearsals and the live show, but if you are successful in the random draw you will only receive tickets for either the live show or a rehearsal, and these tickets will be non-transferable.
You can register at any time until 10pm on Tuesday 5 October.
Mrs Brown's Boys Live Halloween Special - Rehearsals
Mrs Brown's Boys Live Halloween Special